“Community Center for Development” territorial cooperation NGO expands activities in frontline Tavush region of Armenia and for about two decades the NGO has been supporting and actively cooperating with Tavush region SMEs, community based and civic society organizations.
With the main goal of supporting Tavush region community social economic development, “Community Center for Development” territorial cooperation NGO provides assistance to 3 main target groups offering educational, consulting, research, informational and capacity development services and projects:
Community based organizations support
Professional capacity development of local authority representatives through trainings and consulting.
Improving community infrastructures, installing waterlines, repairing roads, providing furniture, equipment and other humanitarian aid to community based educational institutions.
Health facilities capacity development through providing new services and equipment towards improving target group services.
Civil society support
Professional capacity development of representatives from NGOs, civic active groups and farms through creating coalitions and cooperatives, providing professional trainings and consulting.
Small and medium enterprises support
SME capacity development (trainings and consulting on management, marketing, strategy and business plans development, accounting, tax and labor legislation). We provide assistance to SME field representatives on developing international investment projects, exporting goods and finding foreign partners, and farmers - on establishing product processing enterprises and obtaining agricultural equipment.
Detailed information on implemented projects is provided in the proper section of the website.